St. Louis Charter Schools Join with Urban League “Slow Down” Campaign

Expanded campaign Halloween week to raise traffic safety awareness

Confluence Academies, along with other St. Louis City charter schools, are partnering with the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis to support its critical “Slow Down” campaign, aimed at raising awareness of traffic safety in neighborhoods across the region. With the alarming rise in traffic-related incidents, injuries, and fatalities, this initiative seeks to curb speeding and reckless driving, particularly in areas where children and families are most at risk. The Urban League estimates more than 5,000 “Slow Down” signs are already placed along St. Louis streets.
The campaign aims to make St. Louis neighborhoods safer by encouraging drivers to be more mindful, reduce their speed, obey stop lights and stop signs, and stop sign indicators on school buses. According to the Urban League, community residents in areas with “Slow Down” signs have noticed that drivers are slowing down, and drivers themselves have reported that seeing the signs prompts them to monitor their speed.
“As a part of this collaboration, our elementary and middle schools, along with other participating charter schools, have placed “Slow Down” signs in high-traffic areas around our schools and neighborhoods,” Dr. Candice Carter-Oliver, CEO of Confluence Academies, said. “We will also be asking our families to help spread the word, reinforcing the campaign’s message during Halloween week when more of our children will be out in their neighborhoods and crossing streets.”
The following school systems are participating in this important public safety effort

• Confluence Academies
• North Side Community School
• The Soulard School
• Lafayette Preparatory Academy
• Momentum Academy
• The Biome School
• Gateway Science Academy

The Urban League’s “Slow Down” campaign, led by James Clark, Vice President of Public Safety, is designed to reduce speeding and increase driver awareness through a combination of community outreach and visible signage. Yard signs are being placed in high-risk areas, encouraging drivers to slow down and prioritize the safety of pedestrians and families. Going forward, schools will play a key role in spreading the message to students, families, and their communities.

“Our schools are deeply rooted in their neighborhoods, and they are uniquely positioned to help carry forward this safety message. We want to ensure that all our students and their families can move through their communities safely,” Clark said. “Halloween week, when more children are out on sidewalks and streets, is the perfect time to kick off this critical effort.”

In addition to placing yard signs, the Urban League is installing billboards in high-traffic areas throughout the city and county, further amplifying the campaign’s message. Participating schools are also being encouraged to communicate the campaign’s goals through newsletters and community updates to engage even more families in promoting safer streets.
For more information about the “Slow Down” campaign, please visit the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis at or to get involved please reach out to James Clark at

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